Zhe Jiang Homepage
Zhe Jiang
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering
Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering
University of Florida
Email: zhe.jiang(at)ufl.edu Phone: 352-294-6659 (Email preferred)
Office: Malachowsky Hall 6110 Mail: PO Box 116120, Gainesville, FL, 32611
Short Bio
Dr. Zhe Jiang is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering at the University of Florida, where he is also affiliated with the Center for Coastal Solutions. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Minnesota in 2016 and a B.E. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2010. His research interests include data mining, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, with a particular focus on spatiotemporal data mining for interdisciplinary applications in Earth sciences (hydrology, natural disaster, coastal hazards), agriculture, transportation, health and medicine, etc. His research has been sponsored by multiple federal agencies (e.g., NSF, USGS, NOAA, UCAR) and industry companies. He received the Best Paper Award in ACM SIGSPATIAL 2023 and Best Paper Runner-Up Award in the Blue Sky Vision Track of SIAM Data Mining 2024. He has served as the Program Co-Chair for SDM 2024, Proceedings Co-chair for KDD 2023-2024, Publicity Co-Chair for SDM 2023 and ACMGIS 2022, and Student Travel Award Chair for ICDM 2022. He has served as a Senior Program Committee member (or Area Chair) for AAAI, ICDM, ICML, ACM SIGSPATIAL, SDM, and PAKDD. He is a senior member of ACM and IEEE.
Research Interests
Data mining, machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, spatiotemporal data mining, interdisciplinary applications in Earth science, transportation, public health, etc.
Open Positions
Our lab is ALWAYS looking for outstanding Ph.D. students. We also welcome remote interns. Please click this link.
- [PC]8/17/2024: Dr. Jiang was invited to serve on the Senior Program Committee of AAAI 2025 and ICDM 2024.
- [Paper]4/29/2024: One paper is accepted in IJCAI 2024, one paper accepted in ICDE 2024, and one journal paper is accepted in EEE Transactions on Big Data, Special Issue on
Stream Data Learning and its Applications.
- [Award]4/29/2024: Dr. Jiang becomes a senior member of ACM.
- [Award]4/21/2024: Our paper received the Best Paper Runner-Up Award of the Blue Sky Track at SIAM Data Mining 2024! Congratulations!
- [PC]1/27/2024: Dr. Jiang was invited to serve as the Senior PC Member for PAKDD 2024, Area Chair for ICML 2024, PC Vice Co-Chair for Big Data Learning and Analytics Track, IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2024.
- [Paper]12/28/2023: Two papers are accepted by AAAI 2024 and one Vision paper is accepted by SIAM Data Mining 2024 Blue Sky Vision Track!
- [Award]12/15/2023: Zelin's paper received the best paper award at the ACM SIGSPATIAL 2023 conference! Congratulations to all co-authors! This is the UF CISE department news.
- [Award]11/3/2023: Wenchong received the NeurIPS student travel award. Zelin's SIGSPATIAL 2023 paper is selected as one of the candidates for best paper award. Congratulations!
- [Paper]10/29/2023: One paper is being accepted by NeurIPS 2023, one paper is accepted by ACM SIGSPATIAL, and another vision paper accepted by IEEE Big Data. One paper accepted by NeurIPS AI for Science Workshop. Two interdiscipinary journal paper were accepted, one in Social Work in Public Health and another in Journal of Nematology. Congratulations to students and collaborators!
- [Conference]4/30/2023: Dr. Jiang was invited to serve as the program co-chair for SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), Houston, TX, USA, 2024.
- [Paper]12/29/2022: Two Papers are accepted in SIAM Data Mining 2023, and one journal paper is accepted in TKDE.
- [Conference]12/20/2022: Dr. Jiang was invited to serve as the Proceeding Co-Chair of ACM SIGKDD 2023!
- [Paper] 8/27/2022: One paper on Explainer for temporal GNN was accepted in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2022 (congratulations to Wenchong!), three papers were accepted in ACM SIGSPATIAL 2022 (one research paper, one system paper, and one demo paper), and one journal paper was accepted by the Journal of Social Work in Public Health, Taylor & Francis.
- [Workshop] 8/6/2022: Dr. Jiang serves a general co-chair for the 3rd ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Deep Learning for Spatiotemporal Data, Applications, and Systems. The workshop invites keynote speakers from George Mason University and Stanford University as well as panelists from NSF, UMBC, Army Lab, and IARPA. You are welcome to attend our workshop on the afternoon of August 15 at KDD 2022! See detailed program at website.
- [Workshop] 8/6/2022: Dr. Jiang was invited to give a keynote talk at the ACM SIGKDD International Workshop on AI for climate mitigation, adaptation, and environmental justice (FragileEarth'22), Washington DC.
- [Conference] 8/6/2022: Dr. Jiang was invited to serve as the publicity co-chair and Senior PC Member for SDM 2023 to be held in Minneapolis, MN. See our call for paper. He was also invited to serve as the Travel Award Chair for IEEE ICDM 2022 and as the Program Committee members for AAAI 2023, NeurIPS 2022, ICLR 2023, ICDM 2022, SIGSPATIAL 2022.
- [Workshop]5/19/2022: Dr. Jiang is co-organizing a NSF workshop titled "The Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence-Empowered Methods and Solutions to Urban Transportation Challenges" to be held in person at Seattle, Washington on June 4-5. The workshop invites leading experts in the field of AI for Transportation. For registration, please visit the website.
- [Paper] 5/19/2022: One paper is accepted as a full paper in the research track of ACM SIGKDD 2022 conference, Washington DC. Congratulations to our Ph.D. student Wenchong!
- [Paper] 4/19/2022: Two conference papers are accepted by IEEE ICDE 2022. Two conference papers are published in AAAI 2022. Two journal papers are published in ACM TIST Special Issue on Deep Learning for Spatiotemporal data.
- [Honor] 11/30/2021: Dr. Zhe Jiang became a senior member of IEEE.
- [UF News] 9/13/2021: UF ranked as a Top 5 public university in the nation by the US News. Congratulations to UF!
- [Award] 9/1/2021: Dr. Jiang receives a new NSF award from NSF Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure on Large-Scale Spatial Machine Learning for 3D Surface Topology in Hydrological Applications. The total award amount is $500K, Jiang is the lead PI with his share of $261K. Thanks to the NSF!
- [Graduation] 8/10/2021: Congratulations for Arpan defending his Ph.D. thesis this summer. Arpan starts his career as a tenure track assistant professor in the Middle Tennessee State University!
- [Paper] 8/8/2021: Two journal papers have been accepted by the Special Issue on Deep Learning for Spatio-Temporal Data, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST). One journal paper has been accepted by ACM Transactions on Knowledge and Discovery from Data (TKDD). One journal paper has been accepted by MDPI Remote Sensing. Congratulations to all coauthors!
- [Award] 7/29/2021: Dr. Jiang receives the Microsoft AI for Earth Grant. The grant will provide $15000 Azure cloud credits to support the lab's GeoAI research for hydrological applications.
- [UF News] 7/11/2021: University of Florida Health have collaborated with NVIDIA researchers to create GatorTron™, an artificial intelligence transformer natural language processing model intended to accelerate research and medical decision-making by extracting insights from massive volumes of clinical data with unprecedented speed and clarity, (URL)
- [Paper] 7/11/2021: One journal paper accepted in MDPI Remote Sensing, one journal paper accepted in Frontiers in Big Data, one conference paper accepted in KDD 2021.
- [Teaching] 7/9/2021: Dr. Jiang will offer a new Graduate Level special topic research seminar class, CIS 6930 Deep Learning for Spatiotemporal Data in Fall 2021!
- [Workshop] 6/1/2021: Dr. Jiang will serve as the co-chair of the 16th International Workshop on Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Mining (SSTDM-21) In Cooperation with IEEE ICDM 2021, December 2021, Auckland, New Zealand. Website
- [Workshop] 3/30/2021: Dr. Jiang will serve as the co-chair for International Workshop on Deep Learning for Spatiotemporal Data, Co-organized with ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2021 (together with Drs. Xun Zhou, Liang Zhao, Stewart, Robert, Shashi Shekhar, and Jieping Ye). Website.
- [Paper] 2/1/2021: One paper accepted by the Journal of Environmental Modelling and Software, Elsevier. The paper is collaborated with the USGS Center of Excellence of Geospatial Information Science and UIUC CyberGIS group.
- [Paper] 1/12/2021: One paper accepted by SIAM Data Mining 2021, one paper accepted by VLDB 2021.
- [PC] 1/12/2021: Dr. Jiang was invited to serve as a PC member in KDD 2021.
- [SPC] 11/7/2020: Dr. Jiang was invited to serve as a senior PC member for the IJCAI 2021.
- [Paper] 11/7/2020: Two papers were accepted in IEEE Big Data Conference.
- [Award] 9/30/2020: Dr. Jiang received a new award as a co-PI from NOAA National Water Center (sub-awarded from the University of Maryland). His research task is about deep learning methods to analyze Radar big data.
- [Award] 8/31/2020: We received a new award from NOAA National Water Center (sub-awarded through the University of Maryland) (Year 1: $142K). This project aims to deploy our hidden Markov tree algorithms (KDD'18 and KDD'19) as an interative GIS tool for flood inundation mapping at the National Water Center. Thanks to NOAA!
- [Paper] 8/20/2020: A new paper is being accepted by the ICDM 2020 conference!
- [Award] 8/20/2020: We received a new award from NSF IIS Core Small Program ($500K). Many thanks to NSF!
- [Award] 8/15/2020: We received a new award from NSF CNS Smart and Connected Communities (SC&C) program ($150K in total). Thanks to NSF!
- [Paper] 7/31/2020: One journal paper was accepted by IEEE TKDE. Congratulations to Wenchong. One conference paper was accepted by ACM CIKM.
- [Paper] 6/24/2020: One conference paper was accepted by KDD 2020, one journal paper was accepted by IEEE TKDE and another journal accepted by International Journal of Remote Sensing.
- [Award] 4/30/2020: Dr. Jiang received a one-year grant from US Geological Survey to deploy the group's hidden Markov tree algorithm (published in KDD'18,'19) in real-world flood disaster response platform.
- [Paper] 4/15/2020: A journal paper was published by IEEE Access on spatial structured prediction. link
- [PC] 1/30/2020: Dr. Jiang was invited to serve in the program committee of IJCAI and KDD 2020.
- [Education] 1/24/2020: Dr. Jiang gave a lecture on "Introduction to Machine Learning and AI" to high school students in Alabama School of Fine Arts in Birmingham (one of the top high schools in Alabama).
- [PC] 11/18/2019: Dr. Jiang was invited to serve in the program committee of ICML 2020.
- [Paper] 11/18/2019: A new paper was accepted to AAAI 2020. Congratulations to Arpan and Wenchong!
- [Award] 10/16/2019: Dr. Zhe Jiang received an award (as Co-PI) from Camgian Microsystems Company for AI and Deep Learning research. The award amount is $600K with his share $160K.
- [Source Codes] 9/23/2019: We have released the source codes for KDD 2019 paper in Github. Please follow this link. Special thanks to Arpan for putting things together on Github!
- [Paper] 9/5/2019: Our paper "Mapping Road Safety Features from Streetview Imagery: A Deep Learning Approach" is accepted for publication in the Special Issue on Urban Computing and Smart Cities, ACM Transactions on Data Science.
- [Award] 9/2/2019: Dr. Zhe Jiang received an extended grant as Co-PI from UCAR under the Department of Commerce. The project topic is "Center for Remote Sensing of Snow and Soil Moisture Measurements".
- [Co-chair] 8/10/2019: Dr. Zhe Jiang will serve as the Publicity Co-chair for the ACM SIGSPATIAL Conference 2020 in Beijing, China.
- [Award] 7/30/2019: Dr. Jiang received the NSF Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Research Initiation Initiative (CRII) award! The project topic is "Disciplinary Knowledge Guided Big Spatial Structured Models for Geoscience Applications".
- [PC] 7/30/2019: Dr. Jiang will serve in the program committee for AAAI 2020.
"Life isn't about how you survive the storm, but how you dance in the rain!"